Its YOUR life : ) What you gonna do ?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Oneness : )
Happy Thursday : )
I pray its been a great week or all of you so far : )
It has been way too long since the last time I posted. Things have gotten way busy with school and work and I am finally getting some time in tonight : ) Yippeeeee .
We are still in the process of going through Plan B by Pete Wilson. What an amazing read it is and how it has encouraged me in the way I look at those " Plan B" situations. Ive been deeply convicted over my " woe is me moments" and how I have looked at them for so long.
Finding confidence in Him and His ways are far more easier than allowing a situaion to swallow you .
Pete goes through several stories in the Bible where peoples circumstances were continuously changing, up, down, up down, up down.
Take the story of Joseph, he went from being the head of his masters household, to inside a prison cell for doing the right thing. ( turning down his master's wife)
I love the scripure Pete uses here....
" So Potiphar arrested Joseph and put him into the prison where the king's prisoners were put.And Joseph stayed in the prison.BUT THE LORD WAS WITH HIM."
How comforting it is to know that in the midst of moments of uncertainty HE IS THERE : )
I was completely convicted in seeing that in these situations I have the ability ( with Him ) to control how I handle them. Do I sit,complain, grumble, doubt, or can I rest in the fact that the God who created me, Is in the midst of something. Loves me. and allow the moments be used fully for Him and His glory. Turning to Him and trusting His word and truth ARE enough to get us through.
" Never stifle the cry in your heart. God put it there. His joy springs forth most abundantly in soals that have been soaked with tears. Not the tears of self pity- Never- but the tears of devotion and longing for Him. Weep. but when you weep, weep in His arms. Doubt if you must, but candidly tell Him your doubts. You will be surprised with how quickly thay go away. HIS LOVE AND HIS SMILE WILL DISPELL EVERY DOUBT AS SILENTLY AND SURELY AS SUNSHINE REMOVES FROST. YOU CAN NO T LOOK AT HIS FACE AND DOUBT AT THE SAME TIME " - Come Away My Beloved
I am thankful to serve a God who is constant. Who loves us where we are and is ALWAYS working things out for us. How great it is to know that when things get tough, or just different, He is there waiting on us to grab His hand and trust the steps He is taking with us.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Mystery of Time :)
Ecclesiastes 3
The Mystery of Time
1 There is an occasion for everything,
and a time for every activity under heaven: (A)
2 a time to give birth and a time to die; (B)
a time to plant and a time to uproot; [a]
3 a time to kill and a time to heal;
a time to tear down and a time to build;
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh; (C)
a time to mourn and a time to dance; (D)
5 a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; (E)
a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing; (F)
6 a time to search and a time to count as lost;
a time to keep and a time to throw away;
7 a time to tear and a time to sew;
a time to be silent and a time to speak; (G)
8 a time to love and a time to hate;
a time for war and a time for peace. (H)
9 What does the worker gain from his struggles? (I) 10 I have seen the task that God has given people to keep them occupied. (J) 11 He has made everything appropriate [b] in its time. (K) He has also put eternity in their hearts, [c] but man cannot discover the work God has done from beginning to end. (L) 12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and enjoy the [d] good life. 13 It is also the gift of God whenever anyone eats, drinks, and enjoys all his efforts. (M) 14 I know that all God does will last forever; there is no adding to it or taking from it. (N) God works so that people will be in awe of Him. (O) 15 Whatever is, has already been, (P) and whatever will be, already is. God repeats what has passed.
How great to come across this today : ) Yay for His timing and Him working FOR us : )!
P.S : The reading has started in Plan B . Cant wait to share more : ) Happy Friday !
Much Love .
Friday, August 27, 2010
Pete Wilson: "Plan B"

Oh have I missed you. Once again, Its been awhile since I have been on. This girl has yet to slow down.
As you know, or can tell anyway. I am a girl who loves to read. I love being challenged, I love being moved and I love being motivated.
A couple weeks ago, I came across Plan B. Its a book by Pete Wilson. He is a pastor at a church in Nashville : ), and I came across it looking at the churches website. It definately caught my attention. I couldnt wait to get it ordered and crack it open :)
The joy I find in commumity. In doing life with those God has blessed me with, in encouraging one another, loving one another , and building up one another.... and it doesnt have to always be with those closest to you ; ) .
I am starting ( or I guess I could say continuing) blogging on specific reads, studies, etc. I am blessed to have friends close by and 1000 of miles away. This journey is one I cant wait to take with them , and you too ( GO GET THE BOOK ) ; ) .
Each week I will be blogging questions, thoughts, etc. Sharing this with friends in other states really excites me : ) ... We can talk, pray, love, encourage. and DO LIFE togther even though we are so far apart. I am praying big things and I am hopeful in us all growing in Him and in friendship .Love you all...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Waiting : )
Hey guys, Its been awhile. I pray things have been going well for you all ! I've been to Florida and back and what a blessing it was to spend time with friends and fam. This girl needed it for sure !
Through that trip however, God was stirring my heart and teaching me a lot about the "waiting game " that at times is hard to play.
I have never been good at waiting. Ive never been good at being still. If you know me at all , I tend to be an over thinker and one who thinks they need to do what they can to make things happen the way they should. Constantly thinking that my work, my help, is needed to get to the next chapter in my life.
Over the past couple weeks, I have had several conversations with woman regarding singleness. Other woman my age ( or close to it anyway) have expressed their desire to find a husband, be content in their singleness, or to take the next step in their relationship with whoever they are with at this time. I have had talks about shattered dreams, broken hearts, and just the heartache and lonliness one can feel in regards to relationships. As Godly woman, knowing that we are supposed to be content with where we are, yet having the desires we do seems contradicting.
Through all of these interactions, I, myself have seen God stir and change my heart in accepting the truth that HIS TIME IS PERFECT. HIS PLAN IS PERFECT. HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST.... that most of the time, the "waiting" period for any situation is not easy. But scripture says..
I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in His word ( Psalm 130:5)
He carries burdens, He carries our doubts, our fears. He comforts. He strengthens.
Whatever your "waiting" looks like, know that He is in control. He has a purpose.
Trust Him, Follow Him and believe that He is God. He is good.
I pray that through any waiting time in your life you soak it up and not only allow it to be a time of waiting, but a time of growing, maturing and falling into an even deeper relationship with Him.
The following passage is from Pure, one of my many devos right now. : ) Enjoy.
When Waiting Gets Tough
God, the one and only- Ill wait as long as He says. Everything I need comes from Him, so why not? He is solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle: Im set for life. ( Psalm 62: 1-2)
" When I am experiencing a dry spell on this waiting- for-marriage front, sometimes a romantic novel or movie helps keep the spark of hope going. During tough seasons, as a hopeful ( or hopeless ) romantic, it helps me to recall how God has been constant and faithful to me in times past. God is God, no matter what.
A few years ago I found myself longing for the love of a husband, that deep desire of my life. I felt that i needed to control it, that I couldnt trust God with it and couldnt really let it go to Him. That's when He called me to lay my dream of marriage down, TO TAKE MY HANDS OFF. I think many single woman are afraid to do this. Too often we think, If I give this up to God, He's going to require life long singleness. I need to know that God is going to do before I will give up this dream. When we hold on, trying to protect ourselves and thinking we're making out lives much better by handling it on our own, we're actually forgetting God's character.
When I affirmed my prayerful words to God, " I'll love You even if You don't provide a husband for me, and I'll trust that you know what is best for me. " I found such amazing peace. My goal is to stay surrendered to Him regardless of the immediate circumstances. I know that God wants what is best for me and that He is going to take care of me. He has proved Himself faithful to me so many times before, and I have no reason to doubt because I know that His perfect plan is always the best."
Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has ? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. ( Romans 8:24-25)
Many blessing,
Through that trip however, God was stirring my heart and teaching me a lot about the "waiting game " that at times is hard to play.
I have never been good at waiting. Ive never been good at being still. If you know me at all , I tend to be an over thinker and one who thinks they need to do what they can to make things happen the way they should. Constantly thinking that my work, my help, is needed to get to the next chapter in my life.
Over the past couple weeks, I have had several conversations with woman regarding singleness. Other woman my age ( or close to it anyway) have expressed their desire to find a husband, be content in their singleness, or to take the next step in their relationship with whoever they are with at this time. I have had talks about shattered dreams, broken hearts, and just the heartache and lonliness one can feel in regards to relationships. As Godly woman, knowing that we are supposed to be content with where we are, yet having the desires we do seems contradicting.
Through all of these interactions, I, myself have seen God stir and change my heart in accepting the truth that HIS TIME IS PERFECT. HIS PLAN IS PERFECT. HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST.... that most of the time, the "waiting" period for any situation is not easy. But scripture says..
I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in His word ( Psalm 130:5)
He carries burdens, He carries our doubts, our fears. He comforts. He strengthens.
Whatever your "waiting" looks like, know that He is in control. He has a purpose.
Trust Him, Follow Him and believe that He is God. He is good.
I pray that through any waiting time in your life you soak it up and not only allow it to be a time of waiting, but a time of growing, maturing and falling into an even deeper relationship with Him.
The following passage is from Pure, one of my many devos right now. : ) Enjoy.
When Waiting Gets Tough
God, the one and only- Ill wait as long as He says. Everything I need comes from Him, so why not? He is solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle: Im set for life. ( Psalm 62: 1-2)
" When I am experiencing a dry spell on this waiting- for-marriage front, sometimes a romantic novel or movie helps keep the spark of hope going. During tough seasons, as a hopeful ( or hopeless ) romantic, it helps me to recall how God has been constant and faithful to me in times past. God is God, no matter what.
A few years ago I found myself longing for the love of a husband, that deep desire of my life. I felt that i needed to control it, that I couldnt trust God with it and couldnt really let it go to Him. That's when He called me to lay my dream of marriage down, TO TAKE MY HANDS OFF. I think many single woman are afraid to do this. Too often we think, If I give this up to God, He's going to require life long singleness. I need to know that God is going to do before I will give up this dream. When we hold on, trying to protect ourselves and thinking we're making out lives much better by handling it on our own, we're actually forgetting God's character.
When I affirmed my prayerful words to God, " I'll love You even if You don't provide a husband for me, and I'll trust that you know what is best for me. " I found such amazing peace. My goal is to stay surrendered to Him regardless of the immediate circumstances. I know that God wants what is best for me and that He is going to take care of me. He has proved Himself faithful to me so many times before, and I have no reason to doubt because I know that His perfect plan is always the best."
Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has ? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. ( Romans 8:24-25)
Many blessing,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
" The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty"
Psalm 91:1
Over the past week this scripture has been one I have been taken to a couple times. In reading Come Away My Beloved tonight, I can see an even clearer meaning of His word and His goodness. We are under His wings, We are wrapped in His love and He has every single part of us ! EVERY PART! Oh how He loves us! Sitting in silence and resting in that at times is a hard place to be. But what joy He brings in doing so : )
" You are in my hands. You are not keeping yourself; I am keeping you. If I choose to hide you away, it is for a reason.If i wish to give you time to rest, it is for your own good. NOTHING IS AMISS THAT IS IN MY WILL. Do not think that it will be as times in the past. I have deeper lessons to teach you. How invaluable have you found the truths to be that I taught you in your "Arabia years." But Arabia was not the only solitary period in the life of My apostle Paul. Indeed, it was rather insignificant in comparison to the later prison-day experiences.
One does not write what has already been written. One writes out of the storehouse of fresh revelation and personal knowledge gained through the painful experiences of growth. you cannot escape the growing experience without forfeiting the other. you wil cease writing if you cease learning. You do not learn as you write but write as you learn.
I would spare you if I could do so in love; but this kind of protecting would be false and would rob you of much treasure. I only love you truly as I give you my best. My best cannot come to you without pain, even as it could not come to the Lord Jesus without pain. Pain is the result of sin, true; and sin is still an existing problem with which to be dealt. It must be grappled with. Empires do not simply fall but are taken by a stronger force. The kingdom of Satan must likewise be opposed by a stronger force if you hope to see it fall.
I WANT TO MAKE YOU STRONG. I want you to be a Devastator. I have brought you to this place. MAKE THE MOST OF IT. Drink in the silence. Seek solitude. Listen to the silence. It will teach you. IT WILL BUILD STRENGTH. Let others share it with you. It is priceless. It is little to be found elsewhere. "
I pray its a good night : )
Psalm 91:1
Over the past week this scripture has been one I have been taken to a couple times. In reading Come Away My Beloved tonight, I can see an even clearer meaning of His word and His goodness. We are under His wings, We are wrapped in His love and He has every single part of us ! EVERY PART! Oh how He loves us! Sitting in silence and resting in that at times is a hard place to be. But what joy He brings in doing so : )
" You are in my hands. You are not keeping yourself; I am keeping you. If I choose to hide you away, it is for a reason.If i wish to give you time to rest, it is for your own good. NOTHING IS AMISS THAT IS IN MY WILL. Do not think that it will be as times in the past. I have deeper lessons to teach you. How invaluable have you found the truths to be that I taught you in your "Arabia years." But Arabia was not the only solitary period in the life of My apostle Paul. Indeed, it was rather insignificant in comparison to the later prison-day experiences.
One does not write what has already been written. One writes out of the storehouse of fresh revelation and personal knowledge gained through the painful experiences of growth. you cannot escape the growing experience without forfeiting the other. you wil cease writing if you cease learning. You do not learn as you write but write as you learn.
I would spare you if I could do so in love; but this kind of protecting would be false and would rob you of much treasure. I only love you truly as I give you my best. My best cannot come to you without pain, even as it could not come to the Lord Jesus without pain. Pain is the result of sin, true; and sin is still an existing problem with which to be dealt. It must be grappled with. Empires do not simply fall but are taken by a stronger force. The kingdom of Satan must likewise be opposed by a stronger force if you hope to see it fall.
I WANT TO MAKE YOU STRONG. I want you to be a Devastator. I have brought you to this place. MAKE THE MOST OF IT. Drink in the silence. Seek solitude. Listen to the silence. It will teach you. IT WILL BUILD STRENGTH. Let others share it with you. It is priceless. It is little to be found elsewhere. "
I pray its a good night : )
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Britt Nicole - The Lost Get Found (Official Music Video)
I pray it has been a great week for all of you. Its been a busy one for me, and I am ready for a break in the sunshine this weekend. : )
Wanted to share some goodness I came across a tonight. I hope it can be a blessing for you as it was for me .
" Do not try to analyze each need. Leave the diagnosis and the mechanics of it in My hands. Complexities are nothing to Me. They exist only in your mind, sown by the enemy, to dull your faith. IGNORE ALL OF THIS. Weigh nothing except the love of My heart. Ask nothing unless you ask your own heart how much love it holds for Me. Hold Me closely; never let Me go. I WILL BLESS YOU, AND I WILL MAKE YOU A BLESSING. ( What a sweet reality that is!!!! ; ) )
I will make you a blessing. Do not think you will take a blessing to someone or hope that I will send a blessing. I will make you, as My ambassador, a sweet savor of life and grace. Through your saltiness others will become thirsty. Through your joys, others will long for reality.
THROUGH YOUR PEACE AND CONFIDENCE OTHERS WILL SEEK ME, and they shall find Me even as you found Me. I will reveal myself to them as I revealed Myself to you- perhaps in a different way, because each has different needs, but I WILL OPEN THE DOOR TO ALL WHO KNOCK. I will reward those who seek Me. I will reward. You need only to preserve your souls integrity . This is enough to fully occupy your energies and attention.
Come Away my Beloved.
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