Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oneness : )

Happy Thursday : )

I pray its been a great week or all of you so far : )

It has been way too long since the last time I posted. Things have gotten way busy with school and work and I am finally getting some time in tonight : ) Yippeeeee .

We are still in the process of going through Plan B by Pete Wilson. What an amazing read it is and how it has encouraged me in the way I look at those " Plan B" situations. Ive been deeply convicted over my " woe is me moments" and how I have looked at them for so long.

Finding confidence in Him and His ways are far more easier than allowing a situaion to swallow you .

Pete goes through several stories in the Bible where peoples circumstances were continuously changing, up, down, up down, up down.

Take the story of Joseph, he went from being the head of his masters household, to inside a prison cell for doing the right thing. ( turning down his master's wife)

I love the scripure Pete uses here....

" So Potiphar arrested Joseph and put him into the prison where the king's prisoners were put.And Joseph stayed in the prison.BUT THE LORD WAS WITH HIM."

How comforting it is to know that in the midst of moments of uncertainty HE IS THERE : )

I was completely convicted in seeing that in these situations I have the ability ( with Him ) to control how I handle them. Do I sit,complain, grumble, doubt, or can I rest in the fact that the God who created me, Is in the midst of something. Loves me. and allow the moments be used fully for Him and His glory. Turning to Him and trusting His word and truth ARE enough to get us through.

" Never stifle the cry in your heart. God put it there. His joy springs forth most abundantly in soals that have been soaked with tears. Not the tears of self pity- Never- but the tears of devotion and longing for Him. Weep. but when you weep, weep in His arms. Doubt if you must, but candidly tell Him your doubts. You will be surprised with how quickly thay go away. HIS LOVE AND HIS SMILE WILL DISPELL EVERY DOUBT AS SILENTLY AND SURELY AS SUNSHINE REMOVES FROST. YOU CAN NO T LOOK AT HIS FACE AND DOUBT AT THE SAME TIME " - Come Away My Beloved

I am thankful to serve a God who is constant. Who loves us where we are and is ALWAYS working things out for us. How great it is to know that when things get tough, or just different, He is there waiting on us to grab His hand and trust the steps He is taking with us.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Mystery of Time :)

Ecclesiastes 3

The Mystery of Time

1 There is an occasion for everything,
and a time for every activity under heaven: (A)
2 a time to give birth and a time to die; (B)
a time to plant and a time to uproot; [a]

3 a time to kill and a time to heal;
a time to tear down and a time to build;

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh; (C)
a time to mourn and a time to dance; (D)

5 a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; (E)
a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing; (F)

6 a time to search and a time to count as lost;
a time to keep and a time to throw away;

7 a time to tear and a time to sew;
a time to be silent and a time to speak; (G)

8 a time to love and a time to hate;
a time for war and a time for peace. (H)

9 What does the worker gain from his struggles? (I) 10 I have seen the task that God has given people to keep them occupied. (J) 11 He has made everything appropriate [b] in its time. (K) He has also put eternity in their hearts, [c] but man cannot discover the work God has done from beginning to end. (L) 12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and enjoy the [d] good life. 13 It is also the gift of God whenever anyone eats, drinks, and enjoys all his efforts. (M) 14 I know that all God does will last forever; there is no adding to it or taking from it. (N) God works so that people will be in awe of Him. (O) 15 Whatever is, has already been, (P) and whatever will be, already is. God repeats what has passed.

How great to come across this today : ) Yay for His timing and Him working FOR us : )!

P.S : The reading has started in Plan B . Cant wait to share more : ) Happy Friday !

Much Love .