Over the last couple of weeks, God has been doing some work in this heart of mine, that is for sure! It still amazes me that through anything and everything in life that who He is is CONSTANT. Who He is does not change. His love really does endure forever. In learning more and more about who He is and who He is for all of us, I can get caught up in trying to do the same for me. Im always wondering and asking the qustions.. What should the next step should be?, where I need to be??, what I need to be doing , Who i need to invest in?, Where do i need to live ?, Where do i need to work ?
I dont know if i have ever been at the point where I am now, in realizing that the "I"s dont matter. I was not created to work where I want to work , do the things that I want to do , Love those I want to love, Move to the places I want to live. My whole purpose in ever being created.... is to live the life that God has called me to live. My whole purpose may never be to get married, have a family, own a Salon... ( throwing that desire out there ; ) My purpose is Him. To love the way HE loves. To live the way HE lives. To Be an example of who HE is. ....
I am a woman who wants to see big things happen. A girl who wants to make a difference in the lives of all that are around me....and more so those that arent. I am a girl who wants to be a light to those in the dark. I am a woman who wants my whole focus to be on Him and Him alone. I want to love , honor and cherish all that He has done for us. I want to go where He sends me. I want to be Silent enough to hear just where that is. I want to help further His kingdom , and bring people to Him. My life is not my own to live. I am a woman who wants to do her best at keeping Christ the center of my every day thoughts, decisions, and next steps.
" God , My prayer to You is to help me live this out. Thank you for being the God you are."