Can you say "Amen " to that one ?.. I know I sure can .
Let me break it down even further as good ol' Beth did ...
" Insecurity refers to a profound sense of self-doubt, a deep feeling of uncertainty about our basic worth and our place in the world. Insecurity is associated with chronic self-consciouness, along with chronic lack of confidence in ourselves and the anxiety about our relationships. The insecure man or woman lives in constant fear of rejection and a deep uncertainty about whether his or her feelings and desires are legitimate.
" The insecure person also harbors unrealistic expectations about love and relationships. These expectations , for themselves and for others, are often unconscious. The insecure person creates a situation in which being disappointed and hurt in relationships is almost inevitable. Ironically, although insecure people are easily and frequently hurt, they are usually unaware of how they are unwitting accomplices in creating their own misery."

Over the past week or so , I have dove deep into this book and into scripture and I can confidently say that Momma knew what she was doing when she sent it . Gods timing is perfect and I am seeing now how this ongoing battle in my life, if not beat, cant be the end of me. As I go through this , I will be posting and updating anything I am learning and anything that stirs this heart of mine. I am hopeful in all that God has to show me through this and I know He will.
How many of us woman fight the battle of insecurity ? I am fighting this battle with you :)
It's time I say too.... " So long insecurity, you've been a bad friend to me ".
I pray deeply that as I share with you my journey through this , that God blesses your very heart and leads you to a place of understanding just how SECURE you can be.
"A woman of beauty knows in her quiet center, where God dwells that he finds her beautiful, has deemed her worthy,and in Him she is enough"
Many Many Blessings,
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