Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Oneness : )
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Mystery of Time :)
Ecclesiastes 3
The Mystery of Time
1 There is an occasion for everything,
and a time for every activity under heaven: (A)
2 a time to give birth and a time to die; (B)
a time to plant and a time to uproot; [a]
3 a time to kill and a time to heal;
a time to tear down and a time to build;
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh; (C)
a time to mourn and a time to dance; (D)
5 a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; (E)
a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing; (F)
6 a time to search and a time to count as lost;
a time to keep and a time to throw away;
7 a time to tear and a time to sew;
a time to be silent and a time to speak; (G)
8 a time to love and a time to hate;
a time for war and a time for peace. (H)
9 What does the worker gain from his struggles? (I) 10 I have seen the task that God has given people to keep them occupied. (J) 11 He has made everything appropriate [b] in its time. (K) He has also put eternity in their hearts, [c] but man cannot discover the work God has done from beginning to end. (L) 12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and enjoy the [d] good life. 13 It is also the gift of God whenever anyone eats, drinks, and enjoys all his efforts. (M) 14 I know that all God does will last forever; there is no adding to it or taking from it. (N) God works so that people will be in awe of Him. (O) 15 Whatever is, has already been, (P) and whatever will be, already is. God repeats what has passed.
How great to come across this today : ) Yay for His timing and Him working FOR us : )!
P.S : The reading has started in Plan B . Cant wait to share more : ) Happy Friday !
Much Love .
Friday, August 27, 2010
Pete Wilson: "Plan B"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Waiting : )
Through that trip however, God was stirring my heart and teaching me a lot about the "waiting game " that at times is hard to play.
I have never been good at waiting. Ive never been good at being still. If you know me at all , I tend to be an over thinker and one who thinks they need to do what they can to make things happen the way they should. Constantly thinking that my work, my help, is needed to get to the next chapter in my life.
Over the past couple weeks, I have had several conversations with woman regarding singleness. Other woman my age ( or close to it anyway) have expressed their desire to find a husband, be content in their singleness, or to take the next step in their relationship with whoever they are with at this time. I have had talks about shattered dreams, broken hearts, and just the heartache and lonliness one can feel in regards to relationships. As Godly woman, knowing that we are supposed to be content with where we are, yet having the desires we do seems contradicting.
Through all of these interactions, I, myself have seen God stir and change my heart in accepting the truth that HIS TIME IS PERFECT. HIS PLAN IS PERFECT. HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST.... that most of the time, the "waiting" period for any situation is not easy. But scripture says..
I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in His word ( Psalm 130:5)
He carries burdens, He carries our doubts, our fears. He comforts. He strengthens.
Whatever your "waiting" looks like, know that He is in control. He has a purpose.
Trust Him, Follow Him and believe that He is God. He is good.
I pray that through any waiting time in your life you soak it up and not only allow it to be a time of waiting, but a time of growing, maturing and falling into an even deeper relationship with Him.
The following passage is from Pure, one of my many devos right now. : ) Enjoy.
When Waiting Gets Tough
God, the one and only- Ill wait as long as He says. Everything I need comes from Him, so why not? He is solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle: Im set for life. ( Psalm 62: 1-2)
" When I am experiencing a dry spell on this waiting- for-marriage front, sometimes a romantic novel or movie helps keep the spark of hope going. During tough seasons, as a hopeful ( or hopeless ) romantic, it helps me to recall how God has been constant and faithful to me in times past. God is God, no matter what.
A few years ago I found myself longing for the love of a husband, that deep desire of my life. I felt that i needed to control it, that I couldnt trust God with it and couldnt really let it go to Him. That's when He called me to lay my dream of marriage down, TO TAKE MY HANDS OFF. I think many single woman are afraid to do this. Too often we think, If I give this up to God, He's going to require life long singleness. I need to know that God is going to do before I will give up this dream. When we hold on, trying to protect ourselves and thinking we're making out lives much better by handling it on our own, we're actually forgetting God's character.
When I affirmed my prayerful words to God, " I'll love You even if You don't provide a husband for me, and I'll trust that you know what is best for me. " I found such amazing peace. My goal is to stay surrendered to Him regardless of the immediate circumstances. I know that God wants what is best for me and that He is going to take care of me. He has proved Himself faithful to me so many times before, and I have no reason to doubt because I know that His perfect plan is always the best."
Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has ? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. ( Romans 8:24-25)
Many blessing,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Psalm 91:1
Over the past week this scripture has been one I have been taken to a couple times. In reading Come Away My Beloved tonight, I can see an even clearer meaning of His word and His goodness. We are under His wings, We are wrapped in His love and He has every single part of us ! EVERY PART! Oh how He loves us! Sitting in silence and resting in that at times is a hard place to be. But what joy He brings in doing so : )
" You are in my hands. You are not keeping yourself; I am keeping you. If I choose to hide you away, it is for a reason.If i wish to give you time to rest, it is for your own good. NOTHING IS AMISS THAT IS IN MY WILL. Do not think that it will be as times in the past. I have deeper lessons to teach you. How invaluable have you found the truths to be that I taught you in your "Arabia years." But Arabia was not the only solitary period in the life of My apostle Paul. Indeed, it was rather insignificant in comparison to the later prison-day experiences.
One does not write what has already been written. One writes out of the storehouse of fresh revelation and personal knowledge gained through the painful experiences of growth. you cannot escape the growing experience without forfeiting the other. you wil cease writing if you cease learning. You do not learn as you write but write as you learn.
I would spare you if I could do so in love; but this kind of protecting would be false and would rob you of much treasure. I only love you truly as I give you my best. My best cannot come to you without pain, even as it could not come to the Lord Jesus without pain. Pain is the result of sin, true; and sin is still an existing problem with which to be dealt. It must be grappled with. Empires do not simply fall but are taken by a stronger force. The kingdom of Satan must likewise be opposed by a stronger force if you hope to see it fall.
I WANT TO MAKE YOU STRONG. I want you to be a Devastator. I have brought you to this place. MAKE THE MOST OF IT. Drink in the silence. Seek solitude. Listen to the silence. It will teach you. IT WILL BUILD STRENGTH. Let others share it with you. It is priceless. It is little to be found elsewhere. "
I pray its a good night : )
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Britt Nicole - The Lost Get Found (Official Music Video)
I pray it has been a great week for all of you. Its been a busy one for me, and I am ready for a break in the sunshine this weekend. : )
Wanted to share some goodness I came across a tonight. I hope it can be a blessing for you as it was for me .
" Do not try to analyze each need. Leave the diagnosis and the mechanics of it in My hands. Complexities are nothing to Me. They exist only in your mind, sown by the enemy, to dull your faith. IGNORE ALL OF THIS. Weigh nothing except the love of My heart. Ask nothing unless you ask your own heart how much love it holds for Me. Hold Me closely; never let Me go. I WILL BLESS YOU, AND I WILL MAKE YOU A BLESSING. ( What a sweet reality that is!!!! ; ) )
I will make you a blessing. Do not think you will take a blessing to someone or hope that I will send a blessing. I will make you, as My ambassador, a sweet savor of life and grace. Through your saltiness others will become thirsty. Through your joys, others will long for reality.
THROUGH YOUR PEACE AND CONFIDENCE OTHERS WILL SEEK ME, and they shall find Me even as you found Me. I will reveal myself to them as I revealed Myself to you- perhaps in a different way, because each has different needs, but I WILL OPEN THE DOOR TO ALL WHO KNOCK. I will reward those who seek Me. I will reward. You need only to preserve your souls integrity . This is enough to fully occupy your energies and attention.
Come Away my Beloved.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sit down and relax a bit : )
"The Antidote to Anxiety"
Philippians 4:6,7
©March 25, 2001 by Rev. Bruce Goettsche
Have you ever had a time in your life when things were so overwhelming that you could not sleep? Have there been times when you were so preoccupied with a problem that you didn't seem to be able to function? Have there been issues of your life that seem to dominate every waking thought? If so, you have known anxiety.
Worry and Anxiety are different from concern and excitement. You can be excited about something and be thrilled with anticipation. That is not the same as worry. You can be concerned about something (like preparing for retirement, saving for college, etc.) and make plans to address these concerns and that is not the same as anxiety. It is when our concerns become all-consuming and debilitating that we have become anxious.
Chuck Swindoll calls worry the "universal addiction". Paul understood the natural tendency to become anxious. He knew that anxiety is one of the greatest thieves of joy. Because of this Paul wrote,
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6,7)
Don't you hate when people tell you not to worry? It is so easy for someone to say and a lot harder to do. Don't you sometimes feel that the person who is telling you not to worry is the one who doesn't fully comprehend the problem because if they did they would be worried too?
In Matthew 6 Jesus condemns worry. He says worry is foolish and shows a lack of confidence in the person, character, and ability of God. Listen to the words of Jesus
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Mt. 6:25-33)
So why is worry wrong? Jesus gives us several reasons. First, It puts the focus on the wrong issues. Jesus said, "Is not life more important than food?" When we worry our perspective gets skewed. We begin to focus on things that are secondary and in the process lose sight of what is really important. Let me give you some examples,
- you are so worried about a graduation party that you miss the joy that comes from the accomplishment of graduating.
- you worry so much about the winter weather that you don't enjoy the Christmas holiday with family (I'm guilty of this one)
- you worry so much about looking good that you find you are so absorbed with yourself you can't enjoy the people you are with.
- you are so worried about not having enough money that you don't enjoy the journey of life.
Worry distorts our thinking. When we worry we tend to look at situations through a magnifying glass which makes things bigger than they really are. When we worry molehills become mountains.
Second, worry causes us to lose sight of who we belong to. Jesus argues that God is more than capable of taking care of us. He cares for the birds, the flowers, and the animals. When we worry we show that we think that we are less important to God than these things. We aren't. God will take care of us. Jesus tells us that God knows what we need. And because God knows what we need He will take care of His children. In another parable about prayer Jesus says,
"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! [Matthew 7:7-9]
If God knows what he needs it is inconceivable to think that God will not meet those needs if we trust Him rather than our own devices.
Do you know what the greatest help has been for me when it comes to anxiety? It is this truth: "Worry is sin". When we are anxious is shows that we really don't trust God. It means that either I believe God is not capable or that God does not care. Neither is true. So when I realize that I am beginning to be filled with anxiety I ask myself an important question, "Do I trust God, or don't I?"
Third, worry is a fruitless activity. Jesus said, "Who by worry can add a single hour to his life." Worry is wasted energy. There is nothing productive about worry. It leads to no where. Worry hinders us rather than helps us. Worry paralyzes rather than energizes us.
Worry robs us of energy and often has very negative effects: our health suffers (ulcers, blood pressure, heart problems, colon distress, headaches); we don't get enough rest because we don't sleep well; we become irritable to be around and begin to see only the clouds on a sunny day. Worry keeps us from being able to address the issues we can and should be doing something about.
O.K., so worry is wrong. But what do we do about it? How do we combat this very human tendency? Paul tells us to combat worry by prayer. He tells us to pray about everything (no exceptions). In other words, there is no problem, no circumstance, no situation that cannot be brought before the Father. We need hide nothing from Him. Do you see the wisdom? Rather than talk to ourselves and get ourselves all worked up (Worry is like wearing a groove in the snow with your tires. The more you spin your tires the deeper (and slicker) the rut becomes.) we are to talk to God. Do you get it? When you start to fret, when you start to get yourself churning over something it is time to talk to the Lord. Prayer is a worshipful conversation with the Almighty. Talk about taking your problems to someone who can help!
Paul tells us that there are two elements to this prayer. The first is petition. Petition is asking. The Bible tells us,
You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. - James 4:2,3
James tells us we are not living victoriously because we are not turning to the Lord. We quarrel, fight, kill, covet. We will manipulate, rationalize, and work ourselves to death. We try everything to address our problems except the one thing that can really help . . . prayer! We don't have because we don't ask or because we are asking for the wrong things!
Jesus said (right before the passage about bread and the serpent),
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matthew 7:7,8
This isn't that hard to grasp is you have children. Often a parent wants to help but knows that a child needs to learn to do things on their own. Sometimes we want to help but we know that help will be seen as an infringement on their freedom. Sometimes our help is resented if it is given without solicitation. So, we stand back. We wait. We watch. We are ready to help as soon as we are called upon. Deep down we are hoping that our children will ask for our help. We delight to help them but we don't want to make them feel that they are incapable, so we wait. God delights when we ask Him for help.
Bruce Wilkinson tells about a fable about a Mr. Jones who dies and goes to heaven,
Peter is waiting at the gates to give him a tour. Amid the splendor of golden streets, beautiful mansions, and choirs of angels that Peter shows him, Mr. Jones notices an odd-looking building. He thinks it looks like an enormous warehouse -- it has no windows and only one door. But when he asks to see inside, Peter hesitates. "You really don't want to see what's in there," he tells the new arrival.
Why would there be any secrets in heaven? Jones wonders. What incredible surprise could be waiting for me in there? When the official tour is over he's still wondering, so he asks again to see inside the structure.
Finally Peter relents. When the apostle opens the door, Mr. Jones almost knocks him over in his haste to enter. It turns out that the enormous building is filled with row after row of shelves, floor to ceiling, each stacked neatly with white boxes ties in red ribbons.
"These boxes all have names on them," Mr. Jones muses along. Then turning to Peter he asks, "Do I have one?"
"Yes, you do," Peter tries to guide Mr. Jones back outside. "Frankly," Peter says, "if I were you . . ." But Mr. Jones is already dashing toward the "J" aisle to find his box.
Peter follows, shaking his head. He catches up with Mr. Jones just as he is slipping the red ribbon off his box and popping the lid. Looking inside, Jones has a moment of instant recognition, and he lets out a deep sigh like the ones Peter has heard so many times before.
Because there in Mr. Jones's white box are all the blessings that God wanted to give to him while he was on earth . . .but Mr. Jones had never asked. [Prayer of Jabez (Multnomah) p. 25-27]
When we pray we must be specific. We must ask God for help. But not only are we told to "ask", we are also told to do so with thanksgiving. Let's go back to our children again. We are eager to help if we feel that our help will be appreciated. When your generosity is taken for granted, when it is something that is demanded or expected then we resist. I think God is the same way. When we appreciate what God has given and thank Him for what He will do, God delights to help us.
You see, it is a matter of posture. A demanding person, an ungrateful person, is putting themselves in the position of the superior making demands on the inferior. When we are ungrateful in prayer we act like God owes us! When we act with gratitude we take the servant position. We acknowledge his position and bow before Him. It's the difference between a child who says "Give me this" and the child who says, "May I have this?"
When we pray we must always do so confident that God will provide what is best for us. We present the need and then trust that God knows the best way to meet that need. I find that often there will be a mechanical problem and I will talk to someone to have the problem fixed. Often I will say something like, "Can't you just . . . . " and the response will be a look of astonishment that I could be so stupid followed by a response such as, "No, it is better to do it this way because then you won't (flood your house, electrocute yourself, remove the item that is holding up this wall and so forth.) When dealing with an expert you ought to trust the wisdom of the expert. They know best. God is the expert we turn to. We make a request and then trust His wisdom.
If God shows you something you need to do, do it. If He shows you His advice in the Bible, follow it. If there is something you need to repent of, confess it. And if God simply tells you to "trust Him", do so.
To combat worry we gratefully give God our problem confident that He is willing and able to help us.
This leads us to the promise that Paul gives. He tells us what will happen if we stop worrying and instead start turning to God with the trusting attitude of a grateful child. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
We are not told that all our problems will go away. We aren't told that we will immediately understand the circumstances we are dealing with. We aren't even told that the problem will won't seem to get worse before it gets better. We are told that the churning will be replaced with peace. If we turn to God worry gives way to faith, anxiety gives way to a calm confidence.
Adam Clarke in his commentary on Philippians writes,
This peace passes all understanding; it is of a very different nature from all that can arise from human occurrences; it is a peace which Christ has purchased, and which God dispenses; it is felt by all the truly godly, but can be explained by none; it is communion with the Father, and his Son Jesus Christ, by the power and influence of the Holy Ghost.
How can we have peace in the midst of the storms of life? What is it about turning to the Lord in worshipful, confident and grateful prayer that brings calm in the churning?
- When we pray in this way we are reminding ourselves that our God is capable. It is like the old Allstate insurance commercials. We remind ourselves that we are in good hands. When we remember what God is able to do it helps us to relax.
- When we pray we remind ourselves of how caring God is. God knows our need and wants to help us with it. He is not indifferent. He is willing to help us when we ask for His help.
- When we pray we remind ourselves of how wise God is. In our prayers we remember that God knows what He is doing. What He allows He allows for a reason.
Now if you put these things all together you can see why peace comes. Let's play this out. Let's suppose you have recently had a medical test. You haven't felt well and you are concerned. No, you're not concerned, you are worried. You can't sleep as you anticipate the test and the results of the test. You recognize the churning building inside of you and you find a quiet place to spend some time with God. You don't just utter a quick prayer, you actually spend time with God talking about this situation. You confess your anxiety and your concerns. You ask God for help. You tell Him that you know He loves you and that you trust Him. And you keep telling Him this until you believe what you are saying. Suddenly you are reminded of several things,
- you are reminded that the God who loved you enough to send His Son for your salvation is not going to abandon you now
- you are reminded that God's wisdom is far superior to anything the world can muster. You realize that this crisis is an opportunity to demonstrate trust.
- you are reminded of God's power. It is a power to change circumstances or help us through the worst of circumstances.
- you are reminded that even if the worst case scenario comes true (you have cancer and die) this life is not all there is. There is more to life than existence. You are reminded that it is not how long you live but how faithfully you live.
So as a result of this time of prayer you are now able to relax. You want the test results to show that there is no problem. You want everything to be the way that is most comfortable for you. But you know that even if it doesn't turn out that way, God has good things in store for you. He knows what He is doing. He can handle it.
You've met some of these folks, haven't you? They face disease, death and all kinds of difficult circumstances not with a sense of resignation but with confidence. There is a difference. One says, "There's nothing I can do about it so I guess I'll just have to live with it." These people become negative, withdrawn, depressed. The other group says, "There is nothing I can do, but God will do what's best and I will trust Him." This person lives without fear. They may even joke in a crisis. They even face death joyfully and faithfully. And they do all this because their focus is on the Lord and not themselves or their circumstances.
So here's the question? Is there anxiety that is robbing you of joy today? While I talked about worry did you find your mind drifting to the problem that weighs heavy on your heart? Have you had trouble concentrating because of the anxiety that seems to be smothering you?
If so, it is time to do several things. First, it is time to repent. It is time to confess that you have been living as if God doesn't care or isn't capable to help you. Face this issue squarely. Ask yourself, "Do I believe or don't I?"
Second, it is time to pray. It is time to get alone in the quiet and open your heart to the Father. Don't pretend, instead tell Him what you are really concerned about. Be honest. Don't stop with superficial platitudes. Make your requests known to God. And as you pray thank Him for the faithfulness that He has proved in the past. Thank Him for His willingness to help. Thank Him for His wisdom and His grace.
And finally, it is time to enjoy life again. It is time to rest in His arms. It is time to leave the future with the Lord. It is time to give Him our worries so we can experience the joy that comes from grace.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
His PERFECT will.
Love you all.
-Why have you decided to be baptized? (give us a little insight into your story)
Growing up in a family full of pastors , musicians, and humble hearts, I was blessed to know Christ at a young age. I came to personally walk and know Him at the age of seven and have had my fair share of spiritual rollercoasters. Over the past 2 years, I have grasped Him and His love in deeper ways that ever before. I have watched my faith be tested, I have watched and seen his fingerprints all over specific areas of my life that have led me up to this one. It's not about just going through the motions anymore. My heart longs for more of Him, desires to grow into a deeper relationship with Him, and grasp even more who He is. I know this is the next step to do that.
-Why is the act of baptism so significant to you?
For me baptism is something deep, something personal, something that grasps all that Christ has done for us on the cross and making that public. It is a public affirmation of my ( one's) faith. On more of a personal level for me, baptism, is about expressing to others what God is doing in my life. He is washing away my messy, selfish, prideful, insecure and self-controlling self and showing His goodness, faithfulness, and forgiveness. It's the next step of obedience for me and breaking bondage that I have had for far too long.
-A common fear that people have about baptism is not having their life "all together." How would you respond to this?
Goodness...I don't know if I can be farther away for " all together ". As mentioned previously , I am a mess. Utter mess. :-) . We are all broken people, who fall short of His glory . I love the quote by Leighton Ford, "God loves us the way we are, but too much to leave us that way." Once one makes the decision to accept Christ into their life, it's not up to us anymore. Once we open up our heart to grasp Him and His ways, he is what helps us make beauty off the messiness, beauty of the brokeness, and beauty of the "ashes." He is the first step. He longs for us to be who He has created us to be . He changes , he mends , he fixes . :-)
I am beyond blessed to be apart of this with all of you . I am trully greatful for the hearts of all of you and the community. I pray God continues growing us and strengthening all of us in Him. I look forward to so many " new beginnings " will all of you , and seeing all of us grow into a closer relationship with Him :-)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Carry Me Through - Dave Barnes
I cant tell you guys how stoked I am about this Sunday. We are getting " washed by the water " YIPEEEEEE!
I am beyond blessed to be apart of all God is doing in the hearts of all of you and beyond blessed at how faithful and full of grace He has been to me : ) What a new beginning this will be : )
What an amazing God we serve.
I was running yesterday and heard this song on Pandora, Its pretty dang amazing and holds so much truth. He is with us, helping us move the mountains, cross the rivers, and love those around us : ).
Many Blessings.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I must have overcomers.
I can say that I am exhausted, but I know in a few months, all of this work. school. work stuff will be worth it : ) Super excited to see how the next few months go : )
PS. I am Florida bound July 29th :). I'm all smiles, and I don't think it could get here soon enough .
Anyway. I wanted to share another tidbit from Come Away My Beloved.
" I have been crucified with Christ;it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by FAITH in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
- Galations 2:20
" Oh My children, the path where I will lead you is not easy for your human nature to bear. It is not a pleasant way, nor in accord with your
selfish desires. I do not intend to please the self-life; instead, I will bring it to the crucifixion; for it can only be hindrance to your spiritual progress and My working through you. You have faith in Me, this is good, but faith without works is dead. Faith I can give you as a gift, but the works I can do through you only when your ego moves out of the way. For they are not your works, but My works,just as Jesus said,"I must work the works of the one who sent Me" ( john 9:4)
Like a flood I will cause the tears to flow through you, and I will purge out your self-life, and I will give you My love. With My love , I will give you My power; then you will no longer walk in your own way, but you will reign with Me in the throne of life.
I must have overcomers through whom I may overcome. There is an enemy to be contested and defeated; and to do this, there must be more than resolve in your heart- there must be power. This power cannot operate until your self-will is out of the way. Yes, My new life will become yours in direct proportion to your success in emptying your heart of self-will.
I know you cannot do this for yourself; but you must will it to be done.And as you will it, I will work with you and within you bring it to pass. You will know joy as never before, and never possible any other way. You will have rest from inner conflict; yes, you must be delivered from the inner conflict in order to engage in the outer with the enemy "
What an AMAZING God He is. All he wants is more of Him, and less of Me. Less of my wants, my desires, my "needs", and more of his. He is faithful. I am in better hands when I am out of my own. I pray that He continues to have His way in this heart of mine and that my heart continues to grasp these truths.
Love you all,
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Beauty Love : )

As some of you know, I have been really interested lately about natural foods, super foods, and just natural ways to better your skin, hair, nails, and overall health.
- 1 avocado, peeled and seeded
- 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
" I anticipate your dependence on me "
Gal 2:20
" Oh my child, give me your heart, for out of it issues life. My hand is upon you, and I will keep you in all places wherever you go. I am your God, and I am your Father, and I will care for you and provide for you according to all that you need. I will be at your side, ready to help you wherever you call on Me. I am not unmindful of your needs, and My concern is for you.
You do not need to carry your own load, for I will be happy to help you carry it and to bear you up, as well. You do not walk alone or meet any situation alone, for I am with you, and I will give you strength , and My blessing shall be yours. keep your heart set on Me and your affections on things above; for I cannot bless you unless you ask Me. And I cannot answer if you do not call. I cannot minister to you unless you come to Me"
Do not wait to feel worthy, for no one is worthy of My blessings. my grace bypasses your shortcomings, and I give to My children because they ask Me and because I love them; I do not love one more than another. I give most liberally to those who ask the most of Me, for I LOVE YOU HAVE YOU DEPEND ON ME. This is why the spirit within you cries, " Abba Father". As your Father, I anticipate your dependence on Me. You may mature and outgrow your dependence on your human parents, but as my child, you will never "outgrow" your spiritual sonship, nor will I ever cast you out to rely on your own resources, not even when you become a parent. Indeed you will more fully understand the love a father has for his child and experience the desire to care for and provide; then you will know more fully how much I love you, how ready I am to help you, and how available I am to counsel with you and give you My support.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
As life continues to change, continues to throw me off guard, God is reminding me of how faithful He is. Always has been and always will be. I think we all sometimes forget to look back and see where He has already taken us from.
This past Sunday night I attended a worship service at Austin Stone and went needing something and praying hard that God would reveal Himself to me. It had been a few days of feeling like I had been praying to a wall, like God wasn't listening to the desires I had been laying before Him, like He didn't want me to budge. My thoughts stayed the same, my worries, my fears, my heart. I guess I just felt as if I were at a stand still. I wanted to feel something. I wanted to be moved my Him, in ways I had been before. I could tell Satan was having a field day in my head, I have been working hard at controlling thoughts and feelings that I know are not from Christ, but from the enemy trying so hard to ruin and rob any type of joy from me.Its been and will continue being a process, but I know the God I Love and serve is bigger than the lies and deceit satan is made up of. I will continue fighting that battle.
I had been reminding myself daily, that God loves me, that He does have a plan for my life, that I will not be forsaken, that He created me with specific and divine purpose, that He is bigger than me and that His ways are better than my own. HE IS FAITHFUL.
These truths are who He is, but I was NOT feeling it. I was still allowing those doubts, the "what ifs " , the " had not " moments creep in and out of my mind.
As I sat down at church I prayed hard that God would reveal Himself to me. That He would stir my heart for more of Him and that He would help lighten the load that I had been carrying. He was faithful : )
Here are some notes on the sermon.
In Genesis 12 we watch as doubt seems to ruin everything for Abram, but we see that in the midst of his failure, God is faithful. Here are some questions to help you think through how to apply the sermon:
What is your famine? Abram trusted God's promise initially, but when a famine came into the land he panicked and began to doubt God's provision.
- What are the circumstances that are making it hard for you to trust and believe God's promises? What things make it hard to believe He is working everything for your good?
What is your Egypt? Abram ended up losing his wife in Egypt and making such a mess of his life that it seemed impossible for God's promise to be fulfilled.
- What are some ways you have ‘messed things up' so bad that it's hard to see how God's promises can still come true? If you are not there now, reflect on a time in your life when it looked like you had blown it.
- Make a list of some promises of God that you are tempted to doubt. What behaviors, emotions or thoughts do you have that reveal that you are not trusting in God?
What is your Bethel? God rescued Abram from Egypt and blessed him in spite of his unbelief. Abram then returned to Bethel to reflect on God's faithfulness. He let his past inform his present and future by letting it build his faith.
- What is a time or moment in your life when God's faithfulness has been clearly visible? What are the ways God has provided for you and rescued you in spite of your mistakes?
- Find one or two stories in Scripture where you see God clearly displaying His faithfulness in the midst of failure. Thank Him for these 'Bethels' that are recorded to build your faith.
- Send some time praying and asking God to let His past faithfulness fuel your future faith.
I pray you can see how He has deemed Himself faithful time and time and time again. His faithfulness is all over scripture and all over your life. I hope this blesses you in the way it did me. Seeing that the God I love and serve will always work out my messes, will never let me fail, will never give me something that I can not handle, that I cant mess His divine plan and purpose up if I am seeking Him about it, and trusting Him with every step. That He has been faithful before and he will be faithful again : ).
Come Away My Beloved:
" There is a life ahead for you into which you could not have entered into before. There is a work ready for you, and I have prepared you for it. It is too wonderful to miss. It will be silent but powerful. I will cause the veil to drop, and you will enter a new area of experience. You will be given knowledge in My Spirit that is not found in books. I will share with you my thoughts, and who can tell the sum of them? You will partake in the mind of Christ and of the Holy Spirit of God. His eyes go throughout the whole earth seekingout the thoughts and intents of the hearts of men. YOU WILL SERVE ME IN WAYS YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE. IT IS MY WORK. I HAVE LAID IT OUT BEFORE YOU. KEEP CLEAR OF MANS WORK. STAY FREE TO DO MINE. YOU WILL NOT MISS IT IF YOU KEEP CLOSE TO ME AND STAY SENSITIVE TO MY SPIRIT."
Amen to that truth.
Many blessings,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Heal my heart and make it clean.

What a fun day it has been : ). School was amazing and goodness , all the fun new things we are learning. Today we learned about Wella Magma color. AMAZING and the results are so much fun. The color is a lightener ( bleach ) all in one. In one step you can get , let me say it again, AMAZING results : )..My good friend Sam is now sporting a new do : ). What an exciting day it was and how happy it is to see God blessing my prayers for motivation and dedication to what I am doing. Cant wait to see whats next : )
and on a more serious note :
In my devotional tonight ( The Power of a Praying Woman ) , Stormie Omartian talks about the importance of making ones heart pure and right before God. How much this touched my heart and challenged me in doing so. She states that " its not about being somebody you are not. Its about becoming who you really are. But in order to see these things happen, you have to be completely honest with yourself and with God about who you are at the moment "
She talks about the importance of getting completely right before our Heavenly Father , so He can bring all of the blessings He has for you into your life. " See it as God preparing you for the important work He has ahead for you to do ".
What a joy this is.... To know that He just wants us , as we are , sitting and resting at His feet. That He loves us, and is waiting to catch us right where we are. That he wants us to poor out our hearts and brokenness before Him. That He wants to be our first step in restoration , and His plans for our life...
Stormie says best when she says, " In order to accomplish this, you have to examine your life closely. You have to be brave enough to say ...
Lord , Show me what is in my heart, soul, mind, spirit, and life that shouldn't be there . Teach me what I am not understanding. Convict me where I am missing the mark. Tear down my arrogance, pride, fear, and insecurities, and help me to see the truth about myself, my life and my circumstances. Expose me to myself. I can take it. Enable me to correct the error of my ways. Help me to replace lies with truth and make changes that last "
I pray this stirs your heart as it did mine, and that this helps push you on towards Him and the plans He has for you. : ) What an amazing God we serve . and oh how He loves us : )
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

" Do not doubt or hesitate, for I the Lord your God go before you. You already have My promise that the work I begin I am able to carry through completion. Yes , there is already laid up an exceeding weight of glory for those who go through with Me and determine to seize the prize. For I have wealth beyond your fondest dreams to bestow upon those who have left all to follow Me. All the glittering enticements of this transient life are as chaff in comparison, for God's gifts are calling never waver, and My giving is restricted only by the will and choice of the recipient "
- God.
I cant tell you what a blessing reading this was. I am now going back and forth between a couple books and devotionals. Come Away My Beloved is absolutely amazing and stirs my heart every time I open it . Its full of Gods word and truth.
How beautiful it is to know that He is ALWAYS in the midst of doing something, that He is always working things out according to His will and purpose.
I think we all fall short of having the faith in this very specific truth ( at least I do ) His word says in Jeremiah 1 :5...
5"Before I shaped you in the womb,
I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day,
I had holy plans for you:
A prophet to the nations—
that's what I had in mind for you."
also in Romans...
26-28Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
He has us. All of us. He will work all out for His good.
What a faithful God we serve. It amazing to me just how faith is tested, and how He uses these times to remind us where we are and where we need to be. Ive been so convicted lately in thinking that I have had my " having faith" moments. I packed up everything I owned, drove thousands of miles to a place of the " unknown " .... It was all about faith then . Leaving everything I knew, grasping change, being alone, and isolated from all I was used to . I had faith. It excites my heart to see God working so faithfully. Its good to not know, but trust Him. Over the past month, I have been thinking over the times when I had " faith ". What does that even mean ?
I am continually seeing God remind me , that its always about faith in Him alone. Having faith is apart of every circumstance, for instance, moving, jobs, finances, chances, relationships, stepping out into ANY unknown, But more so .... Just having faith that HE IS GOD, that HE HAS ALL OF OUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART, that HE HAS A PLAN , that that plan, IS BETTER THAN OUR OWN. Believing that simply allows the other worries and anxieties to fall at His feet.
Know that He is God. He loves you. He is constant.
I pray today is an amazing day for all of you.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A Beautiful Prize Called Dignity.