What a fun day it has been : ). School was amazing and goodness , all the fun new things we are learning. Today we learned about Wella Magma color. AMAZING and the results are so much fun. The color is a lightener ( bleach ) all in one. In one step you can get , let me say it again, AMAZING results : )..My good friend Sam is now sporting a new do : ). What an exciting day it was and how happy it is to see God blessing my prayers for motivation and dedication to what I am doing. Cant wait to see whats next : )
and on a more serious note :
In my devotional tonight ( The Power of a Praying Woman ) , Stormie Omartian talks about the importance of making ones heart pure and right before God. How much this touched my heart and challenged me in doing so. She states that " its not about being somebody you are not. Its about becoming who you really are. But in order to see these things happen, you have to be completely honest with yourself and with God about who you are at the moment "
She talks about the importance of getting completely right before our Heavenly Father , so He can bring all of the blessings He has for you into your life. " See it as God preparing you for the important work He has ahead for you to do ".
What a joy this is.... To know that He just wants us , as we are , sitting and resting at His feet. That He loves us, and is waiting to catch us right where we are. That he wants us to poor out our hearts and brokenness before Him. That He wants to be our first step in restoration , and His plans for our life...
Stormie says best when she says, " In order to accomplish this, you have to examine your life closely. You have to be brave enough to say ...
Lord , Show me what is in my heart, soul, mind, spirit, and life that shouldn't be there . Teach me what I am not understanding. Convict me where I am missing the mark. Tear down my arrogance, pride, fear, and insecurities, and help me to see the truth about myself, my life and my circumstances. Expose me to myself. I can take it. Enable me to correct the error of my ways. Help me to replace lies with truth and make changes that last "
I pray this stirs your heart as it did mine, and that this helps push you on towards Him and the plans He has for you. : ) What an amazing God we serve . and oh how He loves us : )
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