As I am coming up on chapter 9 of So Long Insecurity , I can see just how much God wants to help me restore this area of bondage and brokenness in my heart and so many others. So many things have popped right out at me and I have decided that my face should have been the cover of this book. :).
Beth talks about how insecurity will make a fool of you, and how it has made one of all of us several times. She posted the question...
" Has insecurity ever made a fool of you ?"
The responses were heart wrenching because I saw myself in so many of those responses. I see how badly this burden has taken a toll on so many of us.
The responses varied and are pretty much summed up in...
Insecurity can:
make you act a fool in female friendships ( jeously,doubts, control)
cause a mom to be overcontrolling
can turn a gifted person into the competition
can turn a priceless daughter of God into a bootlicker
( doing things just to be accepted)
can blind us of how blessed we really are
can confine us
can talk us into doing things we dont want to do
can make us give entirely the wrong impression
can make us overcompensate
can keep us from accepting compliments
explodes with rejection and can twist our perceptions
can make a fool out of you by making a liar out of you
can turn you into a public fool
can keep you from expressing yourself
can be a relentless robber of many wonderful things
a quote:
" insecurity can make us settle. Insecurity makes us distracted. Insecurity robs our confidence in out rich inheritance from God. Insecurity makes us put our gifts on a shelf to gather demonic dust. Insecurity disturbs our sleep.Insecurity derails our life."
Its time to say ENOUGH. and boy do I mean that. Ive been fighting this battle too long and I know many of you have been too. The sad reality is that , in Beths words, "unchecked and unhealed, it makes an idiot of us over and over ."
It IS time to get our dignity back. We were created by an all knowing , unfailing God. He created us in His image, and loved EVERY part of us. Im putting my boxing gloves on and ready to take any thought, or idea in my mind that has made me believe differntly down." Insecurity does not have the right to be my excepion, even if it has been with me since toddlerhood".
"She is clothed with strength and dignity"....
" A woman of valor, who can find? Her value is beyond rubies"..
Ladies, He has said this about us. This is what we are to Him. This is what we are created to be.
This whole battling and defeating insecurity is about getting back our dignity with our Heavenly Father. He wants to restore our souls.
Beth makes an amazing point in this:
" Absorb this: you are worthy of respect. So am I. No matter how foolish insecurity has tried to make us feel , we have the right to dignity because God himself gave it to us. If we really believed this truth, we wouldnt have to mask our insecurity with pride. If we knew who we were and what God has conferred upon us, what everybody else thought of us would grow less and less significant. Notice that God did not put this honor/dignity in our hands. He put it in our heads. He wrapped it as a crown right around our minds, just where we need it most. Our possession of dignity is not always something we feel. Its got to be something we know. Something we emphatically claim... All insecurity is a cover up of unbelief...SHE IS CLOTHED WITH STRENGTH AND DIGNITY, believe it sister : ) "
I believe that God is restoring my heart and mind in this process. I believe and know that He does want this area broken and these walls shattered in all of our hearts and minds. Im handing Him over the my heart and I believe that He will get all the glory in this. The same for you my friends. Love you all, and praying BIG things.
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