Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beautiful you.

Beauty is what exactly ? The way we see ourselves ? They way others see us ? In the previous chapter I read in So Long Insecurity, Beth talks about how we as woman, also your girls can easily be warped into thinking that the air brushed models on the covers of magazines, the Victoria Secret models walking the runway , define beauty. I cant tell you or begin to think of how this has been a personal struggle for me. To pick apart every part of who I am , what I look like, what I want to look like and so much more. In all honesty, It saddens my heart to think of all the ways I have allowed the media to effect my confidence and even more so to know how many of you are along with me. All the lies I told myself about my value and my worth for so long. It breaks my heart thinking about how easily media and society can corrupt the minds of teenage girls and enable their confidence in themselves to dwindle. .......I want to get past this. I do know that the God I love and serve loves me.

I'm a child of God. He created me in His image, and he believes everything is good!

Can we all just grasp that for a second ?

YOU are a child of God. He created you in His image, and he believes EVERYTHING is good.

Ladies ,

We can do this. We can fight this battle. We are BEAUTIFUL.... just the way we are.

There could never be a more beautiful you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There could NEVER be a more beautiful you!!! You are an amazing woman with a beautiful soul. Look at how God is using you to reach out to other's inspiring.

You are certainly speaking to me and my insecurities when you write about your own. Sharing your burdens with others is such a way to encourage not only yourself but them as well.

So proud of you, sister! Keep on :)